2010年9月25日 星期六

POLITICAL INSIDER: Kirk ducks 'mob banker' hit

POLITICAL INSIDER: Kirk ducks 'mob banker' hit

Republican Senate hopeful Mark Kirk's political allies have no reluctance to call their Democratic opponent a "failed mob banker.honeycomb panels and foam core panels characterize our many lightweight panels" Just don't expect to hear Kirk himself use the description of Illinois Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias.,but this option was almost as appealing as passing the kidney stone again.

In an interview Tuesday with The Associated Press (News - Alert), Kirk repeatedly refused to characterize his opponent with the same language Illinois and Washington GOP operatives employ. Instead, Kirk repeatedly said Giannoulias' failed family bank lent "tremendous money to convicted felons and mobsters" — a polite way to criticize his opponent without fully embracing the stinging attacks.

Instead, the five–term congressman said the campaign should focus on issues.

EDITOR'S NOTE — An insider's view of this year's elections based on reports from around the nation.

But just in case there was doubt about the loans, Kirk brought along a handy sheet that highlighted the Giannoulias family's Broadway Bank loans to those with suspected links to organized crime.

"I can total it for you if you like," he offered.

Both Kirk's and Giannoulias' campaigns have waged vicious attacks — even by Illinois standards — against each other. Kirk has said the failure of Giannoulias' family bank should worry voters. And Giannoulias' allies have savaged Kirk over statements he has made that have been less than complete.

"This state needs higher standards and more honesty," Kirk said during his interview, even as he ducked questions and offered stock answers. He repeated his past apologies for exaggerating his accomplishments in the U.S. Naval Reserve but would not explain precisely what false claims he made, or why.Shop for Bedding and Bath Products and Promotions at Target.

Kirk and Giannoulias are battling for the Senate seat formerly held by President Barack Obama.

Florida Republicans say Democratic gubernatorial nominee Alex Sink is to blame for the state pension fund losing $24 billion — a charge that's deceptive.

The state GOP is spending more than $1 million on the statewide ad that directly blames Sink, the state's chief financial officer, for the losses. GOP nominee Rick Scott approved the ad.

"You worked your whole life, you saved, it's your pension — you earned it. But with Alex Sink in charge, Florida's pension fund has lost $24 billion. That's not a typo — $24 billion gone," the ad says, as black–and–white photos of elderly people and Sink are shown.

Sink has one vote on the State Board of Administration, which oversees the pension fund. At the time of the loss, Republicans had the other two votes: Gov. Charlie Crist, who in May changed his voter registration from Republican to no party affiliation, and Attorney General Bill McCollum,Professional mannequin head, mannequin head, mannequin bust - designer and manufacturer in China! who lost the primary to Scott.

