2011年3月20日 星期日

Province sees LED lights as bright idea

Province sees LED lights as bright idea

The Nova Scotia government is reviewing the possibility of replacing 120,000 street lights across the province with more energy-efficient LED lighting,As previously revealed in The Oxford Times, the county led bulb council is considering permanently removing the lights and replacing them with a system of roundabouts. according to ministerial briefing notes.

The notes prepared in January for newly installed Energy Minister Charlie Parker say the estimated cost of installing light-emitting-diode technology provincewide would be $90 million.

The documents obtained through a freedom of information request say the opportunity exists to cut street lighting electricity costs by more than 50 per cent and there would also be annual maintenance cost savings because of the 20-year life expectancy of the lights.

Bruce Cameron, the Energy Department’s director of strategic policy planning, said it’s believed the $90-million cost would be returned through an equivalent amount in savings in energy and maintenance costs over a 10- to 13-year period.

"It’s a good solid investment and our role is to figure out how we can help make it happen," Cameron said in an interview. "I think we’re in a position that, within the next few months, we should have a solid workable proposal.Motorist Ian Beesley added: "It was running really well — they should led tube leave the lights switched off.""

He said any final decision on whether to proceed with a policy initiative would rest with the minister and cabinet.

Cameron said responsibility for making the switch would rest mainly with municipalities and Nova Scotia Power,Second, as Badding and his team expected, they found ds マジコン that the new class of fiber provided more versatility not just in the visible spectrum, but also in the infrared -- electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths longer than those of visible light. while the province is responsible for highway lighting. He wouldn’t be specific on what kind of financial aid, if any,"You could edge your way through but you felt Led strip light distinctively nervous doing so." would be involved.

"We have a number of options on reducing the barriers for people to go ahead,energy saving light bulbs are a great way to save energy and money." Cameron said. "Some of those barriers relate to financing and some relate to organizing it and being able to manage it as a priority."

