It may sound like a futuristic concept, but a small community of researchers is already working on ways to make this a reality. They believe that an emerging area of technology known as Visible Light Communications (VLC), which uses the rapid flickering of advanced light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to encode data, could open up new and exciting possibilities in the way we send and receive information.,plastic beer mugs However, some people have observed that LCD screens produce better looking images but if you think about practicality, saving power every time you turn on your computer sounds better than having sharper images in the long run.
The work has been pioneered in Japan by the Visible Light Communications Consortium (VLCC). On the back of its research, the US has invested $18.5m (£11.5m) in the development of VLC and the Chinese government is also thought to have put aside large sums to integrate it into aircraft. In Europe,,plastic slipcovers So the next time you need to get a gift for somebody, keep LED gadgets in mind. Check out the local stores in your area for any signs of these trendy devices and you could make a friend extremely satisfied while celebrating his or her special day. Oxford and Edinburgh universities are involved in research, along with firms such as France Telecom and Siemens.
What has really excited researchers are the advantages of VLC over other forms of wireless communication. VLC doesn’t interfere with radio-frequency (RF) electronics,,pool table covers Most solar lights use incandescent or fluorescent bulbs. These consume a lot of power and thus drain the batteries quickly. This means that standard solar lights only last for a few hours after it becomes dark. making it suitable for use in hospitals and aircraft,,led light LED light bulbs have many advantages over other types but they also have their disadvantages. Read below for a run down on these. and it has no associated health concerns.,solar panel They don't affect your computer's performance nor add comfort when you use it but it sure adds some fun because of the cool lights that sometimes go on and off to add a little spice to your daily computer routines. It’s also environmentally friendly, with its use of existing infrastructure reducing costs and allowing for the future expansion of the network.
The work has been pioneered in Japan by the Visible Light Communications Consortium (VLCC). On the back of its research, the US has invested $18.5m (£11.5m) in the development of VLC and the Chinese government is also thought to have put aside large sums to integrate it into aircraft. In Europe,,plastic slipcovers So the next time you need to get a gift for somebody, keep LED gadgets in mind. Check out the local stores in your area for any signs of these trendy devices and you could make a friend extremely satisfied while celebrating his or her special day. Oxford and Edinburgh universities are involved in research, along with firms such as France Telecom and Siemens.
What has really excited researchers are the advantages of VLC over other forms of wireless communication. VLC doesn’t interfere with radio-frequency (RF) electronics,,pool table covers Most solar lights use incandescent or fluorescent bulbs. These consume a lot of power and thus drain the batteries quickly. This means that standard solar lights only last for a few hours after it becomes dark. making it suitable for use in hospitals and aircraft,,led light LED light bulbs have many advantages over other types but they also have their disadvantages. Read below for a run down on these. and it has no associated health concerns.,solar panel They don't affect your computer's performance nor add comfort when you use it but it sure adds some fun because of the cool lights that sometimes go on and off to add a little spice to your daily computer routines. It’s also environmentally friendly, with its use of existing infrastructure reducing costs and allowing for the future expansion of the network.