2010年10月25日 星期一

light up the night

Big Rock Candy Fountain to light up the night

It's nearly time for the clocks to go back,Enter the LED downlight, one of the best led bulb solutions available and a prime example of how LED lighting is going to revolutionize the lighting industry. a time of year that usually ushers in a period of darkness and bleak midwinter; but this year AIR (Archway Investigations and Responses) will brighten up the area around Archway Tower with a fountain of coloured light. Created by London-based artist David Batchelor, the ten metre high Big Rock Candy Fountain will be switched on next Monday by singer and Islington resident Suggs.

Batchelor explains, "Fountains occur in just about every culture,4-inch light offers a Conventional heat sink design that allows the ourbeef to run at 90 percent of its capacity while still delivering an incredible light output punch at 1596 lumens.  from ancient Persia to modern Las Vegas. They can symbolise the origin of life itself, the abundance of natural resources, or the ability of humans to control some of the forces of nature." The Big Rock Candy Fountain, named after the bluegrass song about a "land that's fair and bright', uses not water but over three thousand brightly coloured LED lights to create an effect of movement.

"There is a kind of darkness about the area around the Archway Tower, which I hope the Fountain will help to dispel,Amazingly, it runs on just 12 watts of power and uses 85% less energy than a 65-watt incandescent bulb. The energy cost to plugabc one LR6 for 50,000 hours is only $60 on average. at least for a while." adds the artist.Several benefits exist for the humid type of sauna, such as it cleanses the blood and loud2010 gets out other impurities in the blood. It too promotes weight loss because it is just like exercising. Fat cells are gotten rid of by sweating them out and speeding up the food burning process in the body. "The work is an invitation to look again at an area that is too often overlooked."

Created in partnership with Byam Shaw School of Art and funded by Arts Council England, Big Rock Candy Fountain is the third in a series of local winter installations, following Jane Watt’s Trip the Light Fantastic and Hilary Powell’s Light Years Away. The installation, set above Archway tube station,These will reduce the glare. Designers suggest decorative pendant compact fluorescent light lights over a table or an island. An alternative option is a row of recessed downlight. will be visible from homes and offices all around, and will remain in place until March. The switching-on ceremony takes place at dusk on November 1st.

